Seat Escape

Embark on an innovative and intellectually stimulating journey through the world of dynamic pathfinding encapsulated within the thrilling game. This project stands as a testament to ingenuity, precision, and advanced game development skills, pushing the boundaries of pathfinding implementation within Unity.

This project delves into the depths of dynamic pathfinding without relying on built-in tools or external assets. It showcases a unique A* path-planning system crafted from scratch using a grid system, where the movement of characters involves strategically maneuvering around obstacles in pursuit of a common goal.

The game offers a visually captivating and functionally rich game environment—a vast, isometrically-viewed terrain peppered with randomly placed chairs and human characters. The challenge lies in navigating through this terrain, avoiding collisions, and strategizing to reach the elusive goal point.

Human characters navigate through the terrain in an attempt to reach the goal while evading both static obstacles (chairs) and dynamic ones (other humans). Chair characters, slower in movement, adopt an adversarial role, strategically placing obstacles to impede human progress.

The project undertakes a comprehensive analysis of the simulation’s scalability, exploring the impact of varying the numbers of chairs and humans on the game's performance. The goal is to strike a delicate balance, ensuring the game remains challenging for players while maintaining optimal performance levels.

The development process involved meticulous experimentation and in-depth analysis of performance metrics. This was complemented by repeated trials to ensure consistency and reliability in the results obtained under diverse configurations.